our mission

Unsere Mission



If you're reading this, you'll want to know what we're doing and why we're doing it. You probably also want to know who we are so you can make sure we don't rip them off?

Good idea


Let's start with why?

At Traege we are on a mission to take the art and culture that have evolved over the centuries out of the dusty vaults and make them accessible to the masses.
Our goal is to show the most beautiful paintings, drawings and sculptures to people who have not yet had any contact with them.
The best way to do this is to pre-order.
This means we can save costs that are not aimed at quality and accessibility.


Why are we doing all this?

Without question, the clothing industry has gone through the roof in recent years.
Clothing has become more of a "disposable" product and we buy more from you. 60% go to waste within the first year.
But instead of complaining that the world is going down the drain, let's look at what we can do better.
Fashion that takes a new approach to production.
Approximately 200 million garments were produced in 2018. Mainly to please the big corporations. With overproduction you save a lot of costs to finally get rid of it with special offers. Even if that means destroying or throwing them away in the end.
In the future we should only produce what we need.
We believe pre-ordering is a logical step in the near future.
When a product is ready, we start pre-ordering.
This means you buy a garment before it is produced.
As a pre-orderer, you decide when production starts.
With the system there is no middle man, no stock and no unsold products.


We only make what we sell, so we reduce costs and prevent products from going unused and ending up in the landfill.
You might have to wait a bit longer for that, but we can guarantee unmistakable quality for the money on offer.


Everything remains unique.

Each product, each piece, we will only publish once.
It is like the work of art itself, a one-off.
A work of art only has value in itself if it remains something special. It was made for this time and this moment. Not that it goes down as a mass product.
In order to maintain this myth, we will only publish each motif on this one date and never again after that.